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1,349,572 animals have been adopted on Rescue Me!

Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: K Allen     Date: September 23, 2018 _
     I am so pleased with the help I got from Rescue Me! Several inquiries, all serious. I'm confident that Buster has found his forever home. So happy about it!

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A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Ann Margaret Kane     Date: May 4, 2016 _
     Fred was such a fortunate Walker Fox Hound because of Rescue Me! A young man living very close to Fred's foster family saw this posting and contacted me. This young man adores hounds and wanted one of his own. Fred is living the good hound life with a very active young dad and a roommate. Fred and his active owner (triathlete), go on daily walks and visits to the dog park. In fact, Fred gained a needed five pounds over the last few weeks. Fred came from a very rural shelter, where the hounds are plentiful and the adoptions or rescues are few. This happy and healthy hound is living a good dog's life..... A success story for a gentle hound soul.

Sender: Maribeth Riggs     Date: March 18, 2016 _
     I am so grateful for this website. We pull dogs who are on the euthanasia list in high kill shelters. We have had fantastic success finding them really good homes fairly quickly through Rescue Me. Can't thank you enough!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Foxhound Rescue

Sender: Alisha Hammer     Date: March 11, 2016 _
     Last night, the Kach Family (who found Gentleman Jim on Rescue Me) drove down to adopt Gentleman Jim! Jim came to our rescue from a high kill shelter. Jim will have two other rescued fox hounds to spend his life with! We could not have found a more perfect, hound loving family for Jim! They were so excited (you would have thought they won they lottery) to bring him into their lives and sent another update when they got home: 'Jim is now in his new home, and has already fit right in with our two other hounds and is sleeping comfortably at my feet. Thanks to everyone for making this the easiest, smoothest adoption we have been a part of, and thanks for saving Jim and taking such good care of him!' Kach Family, thank you for being hero's for unwanted hounds!

Sender: Kathy Lafayette     Date: June 22, 2015 _
     Snoopy was so tiny and boney when we rescued him, we thought he was a beagle. He has found a new home. A nice retired gentleman who had a female foxhound around the same age took him to be her companion. The story has come full circle. From starvation and infestation to love and a forever home. Thanks to Rescue Me and all who do these rescues and support these organizations!

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Sender: Dana Barrow     Date: May 27, 2015 _
     Thank you Rescue Me. We just got word that Sadie is doing really well with her new family. We only had her posted on your site for about a week and received five wonderful potential families who liked her. One traveled a really long way to meet her and take her home. I hope we don't have to do this again, but if we do, we know that it will also be a success. Thanks! -Dana

Sender: Tammy Gardner     Date: September 16, 2014 _
     Hello! I apologize that it's taken me a few weeks to send this, but it's given me that much time with my new dog to better tell you how great he is. I saw his handsome photo on Rescue Me. I got a response from the family immediately via your direct email option right below the picture of the animal, a fantastic option that saved me so much time. Not only did I meet a great family who lovingly cared for their pet and wanted a great match for their dog, I also got to communicate with some wonderful ladies at the humane society in another county which helped get another dog adopted by someone I work with. In addition, after meeting Beau, I sent your website to my neighbor and they also adopted from Rescue Me. But most of all, I adopted my new best friend Beau. He is a handsome, well mannered and lovingly trained and cared for Foxhound mixed with some shepherd, or retriever (we're not sure). He is such a GREAT dog and only three years old. He has been trained well and is a wonderful blessing. Even the few folks that were skeptical of my new adoption can't believe how great Beau is. He's a good boy and we're doing great! I will certainly recommend your site to everyone I talk to. Thank you.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Foxhound Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Cindy Leamy     Date: May 3, 2014 _
     Thank you soooo much for helping me find a wonderful home for my lost hound. I was unable to locate her owner after much effort. She went to a sweet couple who fell in love with her after seeing her on the Rescue Me site. They drove almost four hours to get her. It's awesome to see so many people out there who love these poor lost pets and are searching for their owners or finding them new families to love them.

Sender: Laura Van Gilder     Date: December 23, 2013 _
     I shared Copper, a dog who had been at our local shelter for several months, on the Rescue Me! site. He was adopted as a direct result of this post. His family saw his picture and information on Rescue Me!, drove 2 hours each way to meet him, and then drove 2 hours each way again to return to adopt him. I appreciate having this additional resource to share animals in need. Thanks so very much! Laura Van Gilder, Animal Welfare Society of Monroe

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Foxhound Rescue

Sender: Ed Hopp     Date: September 30, 2013 _
     Thank you Jeff, for Rescue Me! I listed Abby... hoping to get lucky in finding a new home, that could give Abby, the yard and Canine companionship that she was wanting. We all got really lucky! She was adopted into a great family!! And she has adopted them rather quickly, too. Her new family has great parents, four children (ages 14 to 19), and a Black Lab. They have a nice home, with a half acre yard and pool. I heard from them after having a full day to adjust and spend the day together. They said it was a 'perfect fit' for them with Abby. Thank you for Rescue Me!

Sender: Debbie Sanford     Date: September 8, 2013 _
     Rescue Me! is working wonders for our shelter! Sissy was seen on here by a woman in Massachusetts (we are in Georgia). She is adopting Sissy, has transport arranged from Georgia to Massachusetts, and will be seeing her new baby soon. Thank you Rescue Me! for bringing them together! We are seeing a lot more adoptions by listing on your site, amazing! Debbie Sanford, Castoff Pet Rescue

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Sender: Carol Williams     Date: July 20, 2013 _
     He was adopted today. Carol Williams

Sender: James Griffis     Date: March 31, 2013 _
     I live in a suburban area, with a somewhat dense population. Living with a young fox hound who needed lots of attention, exercise and affection was becoming increasingly difficult. Within two weeks of posting Clementine on Rescue Me! many people responded to her help, my assistance. Clem was adopted by another family that lives just a few miles away. She now has a home with a fox hound sibling, another rescued male fox hound, and a family able to provide for the dogs inherent needs. What a blessing! Thank you for providing this service and caring for part of God's creations here on earth.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Foxhound Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Debbie Fountain     Date: March 5, 2013 _
     Sweet Henry found a forever home thanks to Rescue Me! He is going to live on a ranch with his new dad and will be spoiled. This lucky dog has come a long way on his journey to happiness. Thanks to Rescue Me! for helping Henry find a loving, forever home.

Sender: Felisa Mestre     Date: October 21, 2012 _
     Lady has found a new home!!!! She has a new sister and two kids and 2 acres of land in Litchfield, CT. I will be able to see her whenever I wish. Her new master is a very nice man and I am sure she will have so much fun!!!! Thanks Rescue Me! I am so glad I was able to find a proper home for her. We actually introduced the dogs first at a dog park. Second time they went right to each other, amazing, she went home with them at that point. Very happy. Keep up the good work!!!! -- Felisa

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Foxhound Rescue

Sender: Veronica Nicholas     Date: April 17, 2012 _
     Jeff, Thank you so much for Rescue Me!'s role in placing Bea! She came to our foster home last November as a 9 month old pup for nursing and rehab. Her owner (who was successfully prosecuted for animal cruelty and neglect) had kept her chained from the time she was 3 months old, and never noticed that her collar had grown deep into her neck. As her wound healed, she became the still shy, but joyful, loving and very beautiful dog you see in her picture. Last week I got a call from a woman in Massachusetts who saw Bea on Rescue Me! She has a Foxhound named Jackson rescued from a kill shelter here in NC who she says is the love of her life. Long story short: Bea is now a part of that woman's extended family, and, we hope and trust, the love of their lives!

Sender: Sandy Macbeth     Date: September 14, 2011 _
     Thank you Jeff, Scout was adopted by the foster person's son. He is a wonderful dog and we hope this is his forever home.

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